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Personalized Medicine for Health in European Research
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Personalized Medicine for Health in European Research
It is our greatest pleasure to invite you to participate in an international partnering event "Personalized Medicine for Health in European Research." Our goal is to exchange experiences and knowledge and present it to the European Commision, as well as learn from one another. We believe there is yet a great amount of potential to be discovered and fully reached in EU and in our region. We aim to hear from our European neighbours who have already stared their projects and those who are still in the conceptual phase and are looking for partners. We want to use this as an opportunity to signalise to the European Commission what are the needs and strengths of our part of Europe. The meeting is a grassroots initiative, therefore we are relying on your interest to make it as impactful as possible. We hope this international partnering event will be a step to find new partners and build new consortia.
You can find more information HERE.