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Department of Utilization and Spare Boiler runs services of thermally neutralizing the medical and veterinarian wastes. The department utilizes wastes coming from the Oncology Centre and from outside contractors.
Technological Line
In the department modernized in 2008 there was installed the technological line by a French company, ATI Muller HP 1000 equipped with:
  • two-chamber furnace with automatically starting gas burners,
  • device for automatic loading of the waste into the furnace,
  • device for automatic disposal of ash from the furnace,
  • heat recovery steam generator,
  • three-stage, dry system of purification of the exhaust. 
Process of burning wastes
The process consist of two stages:
  • Stage one – takes place in the combustion chamber, where in the minimal temperature of 600 oC and with controlled inlet of air the waste disintegrates into solid and gas products. The solid product in the form of ash gathers at the bottom of the combustion chamber.
  • Stage two – afterburning of the gas product in the afterburning chamber in the minimal temperature of 1100 oC and in the time no shorter than 2 seconds. 
Great amount of heat created during the wastes burning is changed into steam by the heat recovery steam generator that is used among others for sterilization of the surgical tools, heating the usable and technological water, scalding the kitchen dishes and washing the hospital linen. The applied in ATI Muller technology three-stage, dry system of purification of the exhaust makes the automatization of the whole possible. One of the biggest advantages of the dry system of purification of the exhaust is the lack of the technological sludge created in the neutralization process.

Exhaust purification station consists of:
  • two trays and feeders of the neutralization,
  • two gas reactors,
  • column with ceramic filters.
The exhaust coming out of the heat recovery steam generator are directed to the gas reactors where they are first dusted with active coal and then with sorbacal. As a result of the contact of the exhaust with the reagents, the neutralization of the acidic impurities, the binding of the heavy metals, nitric oxide, and dioxins and furans takes place. Contaminated reagents and dust are stopped on the ceramic filters installed in the filtration column. The whole process of burning runs automatically under the supervision of a number of monitoring devices. As a result of the burning process the primary mass of waste reduces for 90-98%. Burning wastes together with the dry neutralization and exhaust purification ensures atmospheric contaminations emission within the measures set by the Ministry of Environment on 04/11/2014 (Dz.U. 2014, poz. 1546). To ensure the ongoing control of the emission of the contaminants the installation is equipped with the emission measurement apparatus, as per the disposition of the Ministry of Environment from 30/10/2014 (Dz.U. 2014, poz. 1542).