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Specialization Courses

List of specialization courses organized in Oncology Centre – Maria Skłodowska-Curie Institute, branch in Gliwice in co-operation with the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education.
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Oncological Radiotherapy
Title of the course: Summary Course (Attestation) – Spring
Dates: 26/02/2018 – 02/03/2018
Organizer: The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education; Clinic of the Oncological Radiotherapy; Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Place: Room 248A, (I Floor, COI old building) - Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Science Supervisor: prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Składowski
Administrative Supervisor: Ewa Strzelecka
Course Application: Only via an electronic application form available as the part of the CMKP didactic program (The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education). The Clinical-didactic department of CMKP; Marymoncka Street 99/103, 01-813 Warsaw; tel.: 22 56 93 808; e-mail:
Title of the course: Basics of Oncology
Dates: 05/03/2018 – 09/03/2018
Organizer: The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education; Clinic of the Oncological Radiotherapy; Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Place: Room 248A, (I Floor, COI old building) - Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Science Supervisor: dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Majewski
Administrative Supervisor: Magdalena Marniok
Course Application: Only via an electronic application form available as the part of the CMKP didactic program (The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education). The Clinical-didactic department of CMKP; Marymoncka Street 99/103, 01-813 Warsaw; tel.: 22 56 93 808; e-mail:
Title of the course: Basics of Medical Physics. Planning of Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy
Dates: 12/03/2018 – 16/03/2018
Organizer: The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education; Clinic of the Oncological Radiotherapy; Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Place: Room 248A, (I Floor, COI old building) - Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Science Supervisor: prof. dr hab. n. fiz. Krzysztof Ślosarek
Administrative Supervisor: Małgorzata Czolka
Course Application: Only via an electronic application form available as the part of the CMKP didactic program (The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education). The Clinical-didactic department of CMKP; Marymoncka Street 99/103, 01-813 Warsaw; tel.: 22 56 93 808; e-mail:
Title of the course: Conformal Radiotherapy and the Quality Control of Radiotherapy
Dates: 16/04/2018 – 20/04/2018
Organizer: The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education; Clinic of the Oncological Radiotherapy; Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Science Supervisor: dr hab. n. med. Sławomir Blamek
Course Application: Only via an electronic application form available as the part of the CMKP didactic program (The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education). The Clinical-didactic department of CMKP; Marymoncka Street 99/103, 01-813 Warsaw; tel.: 22 56 93 808; e-mail:
Title of the course: Cancer of Head and Neck
Dates: 14/05/2018 – 18/05/2018
Organizer: The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education; Clinic of the Oncological Radiotherapy; Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Place: Room 248A, (I Floor, COI old building) - Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Science Supervisor: prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Składowski
Administrative Supervisor: Ewa Strzelecka
Course Application: Only via an electronic application form available as the part of the CMKP didactic program (The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education). The Clinical-didactic department of CMKP; Marymoncka Street 99/103, 01-813 Warsaw; tel.: 22 56 93 808; e-mail:
Title of the course: Standard Methods of Radiotherapy 
Dates: 11/06/2018 – 15/06/2018
Organizer: The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education; Clinic of the Oncological Radiotherapy; Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Place: Room 248A, (I Floor, COI old building) - Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Science Supervisor: prof. dr hab. n. fiz. Krzysztof Ślosarek
Administrative Supervisor: Małgorzata Czolka
Course Application: Only via an electronic application form available as the part of the CMKP didactic program (The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education). The Clinical-didactic department of CMKP; Marymoncka Street 99/103, 01-813 Warsaw; tel.: 22 56 93 808; e-mail:
Title of the course: Molecular Biology, Genetics, Nuclear and Imaging Diagnostics in Oncological Radiotherapy.
Dates: 17/09/2018 – 21/09/2018
Organizer: The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education; Clinic of the Oncological Radiotherapy; Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Place: Room 248A, (I Floor, COI old building) - Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Science Supervisor: dr hab. n. med. Marek Rusin
Administrative Supervisor: Barbara Radwan-Jakubina
Course Application: Only via an electronic application form available as the part of the CMKP didactic program (The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education). The Clinical-didactic department of CMKP; Marymoncka Street 99/103, 01-813 Warsaw; tel.: 22 56 93 808; e-mail:
Title of the course: Basics of the Cancer Combination Therapy and the Analysis of the Clinical Research.
Dates: 24/09/2018 – 28/09/2018
Organizer: The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education; Clinic of the Oncological Radiotherapy; Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Place: Room 248A, (I Floor, COI old building) - Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Science Supervisor: prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Składowski
Administrative Supervisor: Ewa Strzelecka
Course Application: Only via an electronic application form available as the part of the CMKP didactic program (The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education). The Clinical-didactic department of CMKP; Marymoncka Street 99/103, 01-813 Warsaw; tel.: 22 56 93 808; e-mail:
Title of the course: Experimental and Clinical Radiobiology, ways of fractionation of the radiation doses.
Dates: 22/10/2018 – 26/10/2018
Organizer: The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education; Clinic of the Oncological Radiotherapy; Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Place: Room 248A, (I Floor, COI old building) - Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Science Supervisor: prof. dr hab. n. med. Bogusław Maciejewski
Administrative Supervisor: Barbara Radwan-Jakubina
Course Application: Only via an electronic application form available as the part of the CMKP didactic program (The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education). The Clinical-didactic department of CMKP; Marymoncka Street 99/103, 01-813 Warsaw; tel.: 22 56 93 808; e-mail:
Title of the course: Summary Course (Attestation) – Autumn
Dates: 12/11/2018 – 16/11/2018
Organizer: The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education; Clinic of the Oncological Radiotherapy; Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Place: Room 248A, (I Floor, COI old building) - Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej Street 15, 44-101 Gliwice
Science Supervisor: prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Składowski
Administrative Supervisor: Ewa Strzelecka
Course Application: Only via an electronic application form available as the part of the CMKP didactic program (The Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education). The Clinical-didactic department of CMKP; Marymoncka Street 99/103, 01-813 Warsaw; tel.: 22 56 93 808; e-mail: